
What is “Ogatty in minamiaso”?






What is “Oga-tei in Minamiaso”?

The rental cottage “Oga-tei in Minamiaso” opened in June 2020. The cottage is in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan and sits at the foot of the Aso caldera outer ring. We are surrounded by forest, and a brook runs alongside. Sitting on the front deck, we can look out at the splendid Aso mountains. In the daytime, you can enjoy the sound of many birds singing all around.

I’ve been familiar with the nature of Aso ever since I was a kid. When I grew up, I often stayed in Aso on weekends. Then, after I retired, I wanted many people to enjoy the natural Aso life just as I had done. So I decided to rent out my house. Please enjoy Aso!







Aso’s nature

Aso is the largest caldera in the world. It has a circumference of 100 km, and its diameter is about 20 km. There are  about 40,000 people living in the caldera. Many of them are engaged in agriculture. The five central mountain peaks are sometimes called “Mount Aso”, and they stand majestically in the centre of the caldera. Smoke flutters out from it, and there are over 1000 cool water springs flowing down into the caldera. Forests and meadows spread throughout the mountains. Aka Ushi (red cattle) graze leisurely in the grasslands. From spring to autumn, many flowers take their turn. Yellow Susuki blooms in autumn, and in springtime, Noyaki  begins in earnest. That’s when the dead grass is burned. This allows fresh green to appear, and this is the season for collecting young bracken, which is considered to be a delicious vegetable. People and nature live together harmoniously in Aso. In the mountains and valleys of Aso, there are many species of animals and plants, some of them quite rare.

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「南阿蘇のOGA亭」の宿泊予約。 ・OW NERS-INNからの予約は、 コチラ からどうぞ。 ・airbnb からの予約は、 コチラ からどうぞ 。 ★2025年2月10日現在、メンテナンスなどのため予約受付を停止しております。準備でき次第再開する予定です。