民泊「南阿蘇のOGA亭」(minamiaso no ogatei)を2020年にオープンしました。 子どものころから阿蘇の自然に親しみ、大人になってからは週末は南阿蘇で暮らす、そんな生活をしてきましたが、会社の定年退職を機に、自ら味わってきた阿蘇で自然を満喫する充実したくらしをみなさんに味わっていただきたいと思い、一棟貸切の民泊にしました。 どうぞ阿蘇の自然を存分に満喫してください。お泊まりは、ゆったり南阿蘇を楽しめる割安な連泊がおすすめです。 このブログは、南阿蘇に来られる皆さんのお役に立つように情報を集めてみました。ご活用ください。(スマホからの宿の予約は、ぺージ最下部・ウェブバージョンを表示→予約受付サイトからお申し込みください)。宿泊お問い合わせ:OWNERS-INN tel:096-344-4445
営業:金土日祝 昼11:00~14:00 夜17:00~21:00
When using the woodstove, be sure to
apply at the time of reservation, read the instructions below, check the video,
and use it with caution.
the wood stove use fire, so be careful how you handle it. ・ Do not use anything other than designated fuel (firewood/charge).
・ Make the flow of air in the stove so
that fuel burns well. Keep the combustion temperature at 200°C. It will not get too hot. Note that
if it falls below 100°C, so it will be easier
for soot to come out. Do not fly fire powder or ash out of the stove. Secure
the lid of the stove.
・Be careful not to touch the stove, the
fence around it, or the chimney because it will be hot.
・Lighters for igniting
・ Firewood set (firewood and ignition agent and material 500 yen per bunch for about 3 hours)
* The firewood set for customers is
set on the designated shelf on the left side of the entrance. Please put the
price of the material used in the price box in the room. Never use any other
【Period of use】
Winter only (scheduled from November to April)
【How to use】
Prepare fuel.
Place fuel in the stove to make it easier for the fire to burn from the
igniting end material to the large firewood. When igniting, turn off the
kitchen ventilation fan so that smoke and soot do not leak into the room.
place a bag of igniters between
line firewood with igniting end
★ never burn anything you bring in
other than the designated one. Doing so may cause strange odor or incomplete
combustion. Plastics, etc. are dangerous because the stove may fail or toxic
gases may be generated.
To make the oxygen enter the stove well, open the left and right valve handles in the photo, Pull the knob under it toward you. When burning, leave the lower knob pulled.
If the fire is bad, open the door a little, and tighten the door firmly when
the fire is sure to start (about 10 minutes after the fire).
When it burns to a large material, a large material is added little by little.
Since the flow of air changes due to burning, try moving the material when
the fire weakens.
* The wood
stove does not warm up immediately, so please use an air conditioner or a gas
stove until then (about 1 hour).
Keep the stove temperature at around 200°C.
To keep the stove temperature at
200°C, adjust the flame with a damper. When
it is above 150°C, the angle of the damper is adjusted
to 45 degrees. In addition, the temperature lowers when the left and right
handles of the door are occupied.
Before going to bed, you can increase the combustion time by adjusting the air hole and keeping the firepower weak.
When it falls below 100 °C, the soot tends to
accumulate in the chimney, so be careful not to go too low or too high.
When extinguishing fires, close all air holes so that
oxygen does not enter, and extinguish them naturally. Close the left and right valves and push in the knobs
under them. Never water or do it.
If possible, if the fuel firewood is completely
burned and extinguished, soot do not come out.
Wait until the fire is out and the
temperature is lowered. (20 minutes or more) Be careful not to accumulate too
much in the saucer in the stove.
If you burn firewood for 4-5 hours,
the ashes will be filled with saucers, so it is better to completely burn the
firewood on the stove once as a ventilation, and discard the ashes after the
fire is extinguished. (the next morning, etc.)
The fire is completely extinguished,
and the ash that the temperature has lowered is discarded to the left of the camellia
tree on the right side of the entrance, in a predetermined dump.
When you leave the room, Please close the valves,etc.,completely extinguish the fire, and leave the ash without throwing it away. The stuff will clean it up later.
※ Please put the price of firewood in the price box prescribed in the room.
・usage fee(including cleaning fee):500yen ・price of firewood:500yen/a bunch
※ When extinguishing the fire caused
by the wood stove in an emergency, please use the prescribed fire extinguisher
without water. Don't use it normally. Thick gloves are provided, so please use it when handling
★Strictly-guarded matters
damage occurs to building or equipment caused by the use of wood stoves, the liability will occur, so
be sure to use the "How to handle a wood-burning stove" instructions or videos.
pay 500 yen (including cleaning fee)for the wood stove in the local deposit
box. When
you leave here, close the valve etc, and extinguish the fire completely, leave the ash without throwing it away.
※ The usage fee is fine 500yen even for consecutive nights.
cannot use anything other than firewood sold locally (500 yen per
owner and management company are not responsible for burns or injuries caused
by wood stoves, so please use it with due care.
★ Wood stove with fire is dangerous, so be sure to check
the prescribed instruction manual in the room and instruction videos before
Please see the video to see how to use the wood stove.(japanese)
「南阿蘇のOGA亭」の宿泊予約。 ・OW NERS-INNからの予約は、 コチラ からどうぞ。 ・airbnb からの予約は、 コチラ からどうぞ 。 ★2025年2月10日現在、メンテナンスなどのため予約受付を停止しております。準備でき次第再開する予定です。